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Halton Garden Safari

This event is resting for 2024
Sorry, but Halton Garden Safari isn't running this year. We'll keep you posted about next year's event details when they are known, but in the meantime we include below details from a previous year to remind you about the event

 approx 20 gardens opened Halton, near Lancaster, Lancashire
Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd July 2023
11.00am to 4.00pm

The members and friends of Halton Gardening Group are opening their gardens.

We are a very mixed ability group but are looking forward to meeting fellow gardeners to share our passion for gardening.

All proceeds will go towards Community planting projects in Halton village.

Plant sales
There will be a few plants for sale at some of the gardens.

£5.00 adults, valid for both days, accompanied children free.

How to get tickets / programmes
Buy tickets/maps on the day at any participating garden marked with yellow balloons. Tickets/maps also available at The Centre@Halton.

Contact the organisers
Phone: number not supplied
Email: address not supplied

Toilet Facilities
Toilets are available at this event.

County: Lancashire
Postcode for Sat Nav: LA2 6NB (please verify before travelling)
Find approximate location on GoogleMaps (new browser tab) top of page

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 Open Garden ID: 1463

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