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Great Oakley Open Gardens

This event is resting for 2024
Sorry, but Great Oakley Open Gardens isn't running this year. We'll keep you posted about next year's event details when they are known, but in the meantime we include below details from a previous year to remind you about the event

 approx 16 gardens opened Great Oakley, near Harwich, Essex
Saturday 8th June 2019
10.00am to 5.00pm

A wide variety of gardens will be open, ranging from a small garden full of surprises, a deceptively sized walled garden, informal country gardens, a varied and colourful cottage-style garden with contemporary features, to a large country house garden featuring a variety of unusual trees; mulberry, medlars, yews and an oak tree planted by Princess Alexandra.

All proceed to All Saints' Church.

Plant sales
There will be plants on sale - all grown by villagers.

£5.00 adults, accompanied under 16s free.

How to get tickets / programmes
In advance from the Village Shop or The Maybush Pub; on the day from any participating garden.

Contact the organisers
Phone: 07814 436 405
Email: address not supplied

Directions / Parking
From Colchester, take A120 towards Harwich, past Horsley Cross water tower. Take the second right turn towards Wix and Great Oakley. Then take the first left (at the Wix War Memorial). Continue to the end of this road to Great Oakley.

Toilet Facilities
Toilets are available at this event.

County: Essex
Postcode for Sat Nav: CO12 5BJ (please verify before travelling)
Find approximate location on GoogleMaps (new browser tab) top of page


Thankyou!   In 2019 the organisers of this event made a crowdfunding donation towards the upkeep of this website.

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 Open Garden ID: 2269

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