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Leyland in Bloom Open gardens

This event is resting for 2024
Sorry, but Leyland in Bloom Open gardens isn't running this year. We'll keep you posted about next year's event details when they are known, but in the meantime we include below details from a previous year to remind you about the event

 approx 8 gardens opened Leyland, Lancashire
Sunday 11th June 2023
1.00pm to 5.00pm

Whether it is a large or small garden, wildlife or manicured, the gardens have something to offer for all, with a few surprises along the way.

The proceeds will go to South Ribble's Mayor's charities and Leyland in Bloom.

Plant sales
Plants will be for sale at several gardens.


How to get tickets / programmes
Tickets can be purchased on the day or from the plant stall on Leyland market from the end of May.

Contact the organisers
Phone: 07506 800 956
Email: address not supplied

Toilet Facilities
Toilets are available at this event.

County: Lancashire
Postcode for Sat Nav: PR26 8HA (please verify before travelling)
Find approximate location on GoogleMaps (new browser tab) top of page

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 Open Garden ID: 2517

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