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Aldham Open Gardens

 approx 14 gardens open Alham Village, near Colchester, Essex
Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th June 2024
11.00am to 5.00pm

The two day event showcases village gardens of all shapes and sizes. A minibus is provided to transport visitors to outlying gardens although the majority are within walking distance of the centre of the village.

Refreshments will be available in the village hall and in some gardens. In addition there will be various stalls and an art exhibition in the church.

All proceeds will go to Friends of Aldham Church for the maintenance of the church building and church yard.

Plant sales
Plants will be for sale supplied by local people.

£5.00 per person, covers both days, accompanied under 16s free.

How to get tickets / programmes
Tickets will be available on the day from Aldham Village Hall and participating gardens

Number of gardens
Approximately 14 gardens will be open, but the total may vary from day to day - please contact the organisers if you need exact numbers.

Contact the organisers
Phone: 07769 738 830
Email: address not supplied

Directions / Parking
Aldham is approximately three minutes by car from Marks Tey (Junction 25 on A12). Parking is available throughout the village, and for visitors with restricted mobility, there are spaces at the village hall.

Toilet Facilities
Toilets are available at this event.

County: Essex
Postcode for Sat Nav: CO6 3RL (please verify before travelling)
Find approximate location on GoogleMaps (new browser tab) top of page


Thankyou!   In 2024 the organisers of this event made a crowdfunding donation towards the upkeep of this website.

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 Open Garden ID: 2613

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