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Open Gardens in Devon

Bampton Hidden Gardens
Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th June 2024
Bampton is a small town in Mid Devon and it contains many lovely gardens hidden away from general view, down alleyways and behind walls. A huge range of gardens will be open - from small courtyards to large landscaped areas, neatly ....

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Bishopsteignton Open Gardens
Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th May 2024
Open Gardens with Inspiration. Green fingers are ceratinly a blessing in a garden, but there are many shades of green. We have gardens in all stages of development ... old favourites and new ones, established gardens and gardens in the ....

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Bradninch Musical Gardens
Sunday 7th July 2024
Imagine wandering through a pretty garden admiring the planting, when you hear the gentle strains of live music on the summer air. This is the pleasure that awaits visitors when the village opens its gardens ranging from stately homes to ....

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Clyst Hydon Open Gardens
Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th June 2024
A mixture of village gardens will be open, all with different sizes, aspects and special attractions. Something for everyone to enjoy. ....

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Kingsbridge Open Gardens
-- This event is resting for 2024 --
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Littleham Village Garden Trail
-- This event is resting for 2024 --
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Olchard Open Gardens
Saturday 8th June 2024
Varied gardens in the charming hamlet of Olchard near Kingsteighton will be opening. Two of the gardens are substantial - in excess of two acres each and include ancient orchards. Lovely walled herbaceous gardens, cottage style planting, ....

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Otterton Open Gardens
-- This event is resting for 2024 --
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Slapton Open Gardens
-- This event is resting for 2024 --
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South Zeal and South Tawton Open Gardens
Sunday 9th June 2024
We have a selection of lovely gardens open. There will also be an art display, a tool sale, a Gauge 0 model railway, and the Moor Harmony Choir will be performing. Garden teas also available, and Ploughman's lunches and homemade ....

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 top of page Talaton Open Gardens
Saturday 25th and Sunday the 26th May 2024
Our event has been running for over 30 years and as usual a wide variety of gardens will be open within the parish. These will range in size from country house gardens to spacious cottage gardens, one with a meandering stream to cleverly ....

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