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Add a new Open Gardens Event

Before proceeding, please note that we are only promting events which feature:

  • Seven or more gardens
  • A maximum on-the-day ticket price of £7.00

Amendments to an Existing Event

Please note:
If your event already exists on this website, please don't complete the New Events form below - the information will not be used and you'll have wasted your valuable gardening time.

You just need to let us have your changes - please see this page - updating your existing entry.

Submit a New Event

Give as much information below as you can. We'll then contact you to confirm it all and add it to our directory.

We will need a "public" contact email address to field your potential visitor enquiries - it will be published with your event information. If you don't have a suitable one (eg a Gmail account), set one up and come back to this form later.

You can of course opt to use your own private email address if you have no objections to it being published along with your event details.

Don't Panic

It seems like a lot of boxes, but not all boxes need to be completed. Once on board, entries can be corrected at a later date.

Those boxes marked with a tick are important but not all are obligatory.

 submit Open Gardens event information

Entry Cost
Over the last few years we have been seeing huge increases in ticket prices for some events, many being way above the UK inflation rate. This is becoming a concern, and we'll be discussing this with event organisers as to whether we should simply accept this or intervene in some way. In the meantime we are limiting the cost of all newly-submitted events.

For now, we are only promoting events with a maximum on-the-day ticket price of £7.00.

Your event should include a significant number of gardens. If your event does not feature many gardens, please set the entry cost to a sensible lower figure.

Please view our open gardens statistics page for information on existing event costs.

Enter your event cost
eg £5.00 adults which covers both days, accompanied 16s and under free.


Approximate Number of Gardens
Please note that we can only feature events with seven or more gardens.

Your total should ONLY include residential gardens which are maintained by the home owner or occupier, so please don't include in the total things such as the village allotments, pub beer garden, village open spaces, wildflower meadows, school, village hall or church gardens etc. If these are to be part of your event, they need to be viewed as a bonus, so by all means refer to them in your event description below.

Short title of your Open Gardens event
What's the commonly used name for your event?
eg Ashford Open Gardens


Clear date description - very important to include the year.
eg Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th June 2025


First date of event
This allows us to place your event accurately into our calendar.


Last date of event
If it only runs over one day, enter the same date as above.


eg 2.00pm to 6.00pm.


Event Description
Give a good description of the event. Please don't duplicate information that might appear elsewhere on this page.

Don't just enter something short like "some gardens will be open." - that's really dull. This is your chance to sell your village event!

Please don't include the number of gardens in the text below.


Simple Proceeds Statement
We can only promote events where the proceeds go to charity or a good cause.
eg All proceeds to village greening projects and the village hall fund.

Plant sales
If there are plants for sale, give a brief description or leave blank.
Don't mention the plant sale location - it won't be included.

eg There will be plants for sale - all grown by villagers.
or Plant sales by commercial nursery.

How do people buy Passports / Tickets ?
eg Buy tickets on the day from any garden or from the village shop.


Are toilets available for visitors?

If 'no', we'll be in contact to see if any other arrangements can be made.

How do the public get in touch with the event organisers?
You must supply a valid email address to field visitor enquiries.

Be aware that details will appear on-line.

Crucial - any email address or phone number supplied MUST be monitored before and during your event - please don't supply office contact information that is only checked during working hours/days.

Event enquiries email address:

Event enquiries phone number:

Website address
Do you have a website that people can view for more information?
eg If not, just leave this blank.

The website needs to be relevant to your event, not just a local village or church website. We can link to a Facebook page, but please ensure that no login is required.

 submit Open Gardens location information

Having accurate location information is crucial to your event and the way in which this site works.

In which county does your event take place?


Specify the postcode that is closest to your event. Sat Navs commonly use a postcode. Specify the full postcode rather than shortened version.
eg LE12 8DS


Short address
Give a brief descriptive address
eg Sandgate, near Folkestone, Kent


Local Directions / Parking
If directions to your event would help, or if you wish to give parking information, give brief detail here. Bear in mind that people will be able to find your town or village via SatNav or maps - you don't need to guide them in from afar, but they may need directions once they reach you.

 submit Open Gardens contact information
Private Contact Details
Information given here is ONLY used by us to keep in touch with you.
It will never be passed on or published on-line.

Contact name
(will NOT appear on the website)


Email address (will NOT appear on the website)


Please retype your email address


Please confirm that you are happy for us to communicate with you by email (always in relation to your open garden event), and also for us to keep the details that you've submitted on our system. See our Privacy Statement.

Please tick to confirm ...

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