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Open Gardens in Bedfordshire

Ampthill Open Gardens
Sunday 9th June 2024
Amazing variety of gardens of all shapes, sizes and designs, some in the oldest parts of the town, others in newer estates. Refreshments available at Ampthill Bowls Club. ....

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Aspley Guise Open Gardens
Sunday 12th May 2024
Varied gardens around the village will be open. Program includes map and information about individual gardens. Refreshments available. ....

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Chalgrave Open Gardens
-- This event is resting for 2024 --
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Clophill Open Gardens Weekend
Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd June 2024
Many village gardens - large and small - will be open for viewing and most are accessible for wheelchair users and those with pushchairs. A treasure hunt will be held in each garden to help keep children interested. Lunches, coffee, ....

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Leighton Buzzard Open Gardens
Sunday 7th July 2024
Gardens come in all shapes and sizes and show off the passion of amateur gardeners. Visitors will see a variety of designs, landscaping and quirky artwork. This is the second of a two day event in the town. Our first event is in ....

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Linslade Open Gardens
Sunday 30th June 2024
Gardens come in all shapes and sizes and show off the passion of amateur gardeners. Visitors will see a variety of designs, landscaping and quirky artwork. Refreshments available. ....

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Little Staughton Open Gardens
-- This event is resting for 2024 --
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Maulden Open Gardens
-- This event is resting for 2024 --
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Moggerhanger Open Gardens
Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th June 2024
You'll be warmly welcomed with floral arrangements and refreshments - start your visit at St. John's Church. Then with map in hand, plot your route around a variety of well-loved, family gardens (accessibility will be noted) to enjoy the ....

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Pavenham Open Gardens
-- This event is resting for 2024 --
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 top of page Pulloxhill Open Gardens
Sunday 23rd June.2024
A great opportunity to visit some lovely gardens, large and small, within the picturesque Bedfordshire village of Pulloxhill. Refreshments, home made cakes and light lunches available in the Church Hall. ....

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Stevington Open Gardens
-- This event is resting for 2024 --
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Toddington Open Gardens
Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th July 2024
A range of gardens are open to the public over the weekend. Most are open on both days, some for one or the other. The gardens are scattered around the village - all are within walking distance. Refreshments will be available in the ....

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Woburn Village Open Gardens
Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd June 2024
A range of gardens are open to the public over the weekend. Some are open on both days, some one or the other. There will be a Garden Quiz with a clue in each garden. Refreshments will be available in some gardens and there will be ....

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